//bubble sort
// Big O notation: O(n²)
//takes in array and array length
for i = 0 to array_length
    for j = to array_length - i - 1
        if array[j] > array[j+1]
            swap array[j] with array[j+1]
//quick sort
// Big O notation: O(n log(n)) 
//takes in array and start index and end index
if start < end
    result = partition(array, start, end)
    recursively call self (array, start, result - 1)
    recursively call self (array, result + 1,end)
//takes in array, low and high
//sets pivot to last element and moves it to correct
//position then move all elements less to pivot to
//its left and greater to its right
pivot = array[high]
index = low - 1

for j = 0, j less or equal to high - 1
    if array[j] < pivot
        swap array[i] with array[j]
swap array[index + 1] with array[high]
return index + 1
//Merge Sort
// Big O notation: O(n log(n))
//takes in array, start and end
if start < end
    mid = (start + end)//2
    recursively call self (array, start, mid)
    recursively call self (array, mid + 1,end)
    merge(array, start, mid, end)
//takes in array, start, mid and end
index = 0
left = start
right = mid + 1
tempArray = []

while left <= mid && right <= end
    if array[left] &t= array[right]
        tempArray[index] = array[left]
        tempArray[index] = array[right]
if left > mid
    for i = right, less or equal to end
        tempArray[index++] = array[i]
    for i = left, less or equal to mid
        tempArray[index++] = array[i]
for k = 0 to array_length
    array[start++] = tempArray[k]
return array
//Selection sort
// Big O notation: O(n²)
//takes in array
for i = 0 to array length
    small = array[i]
    pos = 0
    for j = i + 1 to array length
        if array[j] < small
            small = array[j]
            pos = j
    swap array[pos] with array[i]